• Two Whales (With People), 2010 by  John Baldessari
  • Two Whales (With People), 2010 by  John Baldessari
  • Two Whales (With People), 2010 by  John Baldessari
  • Two Whales (With People), 2010 by  John Baldessari

    Two Whales (With People), 2010

    John Baldessari

    Price Upon Request

    11 color Screenprint
    Signed and dated in graphite at lower right: "BALDESSARI 10"
    42 1/8 × 23 1/8 in. (107 × 58.7 cm)

    Two Whales (with People), 2010 by John Baldessari reflects the artist’s signature use of conceptual art to challenge conventional modes of seeing and interpretation. Known for his unique combination of found photography, text, and abstracted imagery, Baldessari’s work often plays with the boundaries between visual art and language. In this piece, the juxtaposition of two whales with the anonymous figures of people invites viewers to question the relationship between scale, context, and meaning.

    Baldessari, a pivotal figure in conceptual art, often used humorous, ironic compositions to explore deeper philosophical ideas. In Two Whales (with People), the use of photography combined with minimal color accents reflects his approach of removing or distorting elements of an image to focus on its absurdity and inherent contradictions. The inclusion of animals alongside human figures in a surreal, unexpected manner becomes a reflection on how imagery and narrative are constructed, urging the viewer to find new meanings within the familiar.

    This work, like many of Baldessari's pieces, is rooted in his broader cultural critique of how images and language intersect, shaping our understanding of reality. By disrupting conventional contexts and introducing surreal, often disjointed compositions, Baldessari’s art challenges viewers to rethink their assumptions about meaning in visual culture.

    This museum-quality work is an example of Baldessari’s lasting influence on contemporary art, particularly his contributions to conceptual art and postmodernist discourse. Two Whales (with People) serves as a testament to his role in redefining the boundaries of art, language, and interpretation.

    Excellent condition.  Framed to museum standards. 

    John Baldessari, Brain Cloud, 2014

    John Baldessari Art for Sale

    John Baldessari is a conceptual artist whose work blends photography, text, and painting to challenge traditional notions of art. His unique prints and editions are highly regarded. Browse John Baldessari art for sale, including rare prints and editions.

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