Cy Twombly: Natural History Part II (Some Trees of Italy), 1975/76
June 1st - July 31st, 2023
Mimesis Gallery is proud to present an online exhibition available to view exclusively on
Natural History Part II (Some Trees of Italy), 1975/76 are part of a two part series Cy Twombly produced in conjunction with Bastian Gallery in London.
The two sets, titled Natural History Part I, Mushrooms and Natural History Part II, Some Trees of Italy (1975/1976) are both based on an ancient text by roman author Pliny the Elder, Naturalis Historia, published in 77-79 AD.
The theoretical text examined natures relationship to art and placed nature as a divine entity. The works are large scale works on paper using techiniques of lithography and collage.
Natural History Part II (Some Trees of Italy), 1975/76 is a series of 8 lithographs, granolithographs and collotypes on Fabriano Bütten wove paper, all initialed and numbered from an edition of 98.
These works are available for purchase with pricing starting at $25,000 USD.